The Exiomo Law Chambers - Attorneys

About Us

No-frills law practice

The Exiomo Law Chambers

Our collective experience includes corporate structuring, project development and project financing, public-private partnerships, tax, foreign direct investments, public land utilization and conversion, business organization and registration, fiscal incentives, infrastructure including renewable energy and power, transportation, utilities, contract origination, bidding and approvals, congressional franchise, privatization, tariffs, expropriation and securities and debt instruments, immigration, competition and regulation, anti-trust, joint ventures, foreign direct investments, environment and natural resources, local government liaison, permitting, corporate dispute resolution, public consultations, project stakeholder management and strategies, and corporate dispute resolution. The firm’s practice also includes family law, family constitutions and wealth privacy, estates and trusts, environmental policy, security and nationality rules.

Qualified Legal Attorneys

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Over 20 Years of Experience

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Our Awards and Certificates

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our attorneys

Our team comprises highly-skilled attorneys with varied backgrounds and expertise. From skilled corporate, banking, projects and finance lawyers, seasoned litigators, to tried and tested counsellors in tax, intellectual property, public biddings and government procurement, expatriate immigration documentation and family law like marriage nullity and annulment, estates and trusts, we have it covered. At the Exiomo Law Chambers, we aim to provide excellent legal representation, all the time, every time.

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